Saturday, June 28, 2008

So How do I buy the quality stuff, and make profit?

Hm.. just how do you make profit? Or even sell quality?
It's a question not many ask when they open their dollar store, ok the profit part they may ask themselves, but lose sight of of what the quality they sell.
Nany store owners get cuaght up in the what I like to call the 1 cent theory. This is where merchants sbuy products for one penny a piece, thats as long as you buy say the 24 to 100 cases of them at a time, and you end up with 1000 tooth brushes because you got to buy them for one penny a piece.
The penny a peice works when you have 1000 tooth brushes, and your the local dentist!
But buying even 24 tooth brushes for your store , well you may sell two or three in six months. So That leaves you with a inventory you have to pay taxes on if there are items on your shelves or even in your storage room if you have one. Why do you want to buy produducts for a penny a peice if you have to pay twice the tax on them because you can not sell them fast enough for profit?
It's the age old thing of "Hey that's cheap!"
To many times store owners, and I say that singular , as in people only own one store, and will either close down later or sell their store to someone else later all because the buying stuff for a penny seemed like a gold mine to them, but a gold mine instead that collasped around them. Buyining merchadise to sell fore $1.00 later, and making a profit from it comes from not what you paid for it but what people realy want to but. Then again there are store owners trapped in the corprate franchise way of buying. Those poor souls that think getting all the junk for one penny a piece, and thinking they are going to get rich from it it have only the bad taste in their mouths when someone talks about owning a a dollar store.
If you could get a loaf of bread for $1.00 you would buy it, but how many times in a month do you need a cell phone case for the same price of $1.00? Unless your your real clumsy, or have a strange need to match you cell phone to every article of clothing you wear each day, you probly buy the loaf of bread more often, right?
That's where owning a $1.00 store you can own more than one store.
Yes you can be sucsesful! It's real simple sort of, it all depends on the way you look at it. I look towards owning thousands of stores. Hell, I can't wait for the day when Dollar Tree, Inc. Lawyers come knocking on my door to say " We want to buy you out, here is our offer", that's when I write a simple note at the botton asking how much will it cost to buy them out?
It's all about what you offer the customer!

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